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Our Work

Minds Of Soil has a global presence, having undertaken research projects worldwide alongside leading agroecologists specializing in soil microbiology. Our focus lies in developing innovative solutions aimed at promoting regenerative farming practices. Through our collaborations and research initiatives, we strive to advance the field of agriculture towards greater sustainability and resilience.


CEPEAS COMPOST minds of soil

CEPEAS - Centro de Pesquesias em Agricultura Sintropia - Brazil

Minds Of Soil partnered with Fernando Rebello, the founder of CEPEAS, to pioneer the development of Bio-complete compost utilizing locally-sourced resources, thereby enriching both new and existing plantations. Our collaboration delves into the convergence of principles between the Soil Food Web and Syntropic Farming, seeking tailored solutions that render these practices feasible and advantageous for both local and large-scale farmers.  


A case study, " A Blueprint to Return to The Garden of Eden" Ernst Gotsch, Soil Food Web reseach project with Minds Of Soil - Bahia, Brazil 

Minds Of Soil partnered with Ernst to compare the soil biology of 4 Brazilian landscapes and found remarkable differences in soil microbiology. This research underscores the transformative potential of combining Ersnt Gotsch's Agroecological Farming model  and the SFW Approach as a blueprint for regenerative agriculture to meet the needs of the present while regenerating ecosytems. 

The full PDF report containing Minds Of Soil's research can be downloaded under the video. 

Olhos D'aggua  minds of soil

PDF dowload - A Blueprint to Return to
The Garden of Eden

Enriques farm minds of soil


 Syntropic Cocoa  Faming v Conventional Cocoa and the Soil Food Web  - Henrique Sousa, Fazenda Ouro Fino, Bahia- Brazil 

Minds Of Soil collaborated with Henrique Sousa to conduct a  study comparing soil biology across six different syntropic systems spanning 26 years of management. This research also included conventional farming practices utilizing pesticides and insecticides, as well as farming relying solely on chemical fertilizers. The findings underscored the efficacy of syntropic agriculture in nurturing soil microbiological communities over time through strategic succession planting methods.


Henrique's farm notably outperformed neighboring sites suffering from compaction, disease, and pest issues due to insufficient microbial activity in their soil. This study highlightes the effects of inorganic fertilizers on both productivity and soil regeneration within  conventinal cocoa  systems.


Fermentaion minds of soil

Casa Umami Regenerative Homestead
Costa Rica, Playa Zancudo

Minds Of Soil collaborated with Casa Umami to establish a resilient homestead business rooted in permaculture design principles. This initiative involved the implementation of diverse cash crop systems, on-site fertilizer production, and a focus on food production through fermentation. The project underscored the resilience achieved through diversified whole system design, creating a closed loop system.

Fermentation minds of soil
Vetiver planting minds of soil


Permaculture Desing and Erosion control - Lake Atilan,  Guatemala

At Minds Of Soil, we develop properties through the principles of permaculture design. By following  its ethics and principles, we craft designs that exhibit positive reinforcement as the system evolves. For instance, our practice of planting vetiver on contour serves to safeguard slopes against erosion, due to the remarkable capacity of vetiver roots to stabilize soil. This strategic approach facilitates the slowing, spreading, and sinking of rainwater into the landscape as it moves downhill. Through the implementation of SALT (Slope Agricultural Landscape Techniques), the planting of vetiver facilitates the  creation of micro-terraces through chop and drop management, effectively capturing runoff and enhancing soil fertility over time. This method significantly increase the land's capacity.
A PDF of this project will soon be available to download explaining more systems we have implemtned.  



Vermicomposting is a tool utilized by Minds Of Soil to produce premium-quality compost for integration within agricultural environments. Rich in beneficial microorganisms, vermicast plays a pivotal role in facilitating nutrient cycling for plants. In worms digestive tract, they metabolize various  bacteria, amoebas, protozoa, and pathogens, culminating in the formation of worm casts within the growth chamber. These casts, enriched with beneficial microflora inherent to the worms, foster the proliferation of aerobic organisms. Upon release into the soil, these concentrated balls of high aerobic microbiological diversity stimulate the soil food web, whereby biological materials undergo a process of complexification. Notably, worm casts boast elevated levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK), along with essential minerals such as iron, calcium, sulfur, and humic acid, thereby augmenting soil fertility and vitality.

Vermicompost minds of soil
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